
Created For a Purpose

When you hear the word “Purpose”, what is the first thing that comes to mind? I believe words like importance, use, intention, cause, aim or goal pop up in your mind. In the biblical account of creation recorded in Genesis 1 and 2, we note that to everything God made, He attached purpose and it was beautiful and pleasant in His sight.

When God created you, He did intend that you would be of great value. You were not created just to exist and fill the earth. God created you so that you would have dominion, live a fruitful life and subdue and replenish the earth. Each and every one of us was created as a unique fit in the predestined purpose and plan of God. “In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will” (Ephesians 1:11).

A life lived out in God’s divine purpose is a life well lived. The quest for why we really exist is in the heart of everyone, seeking to manifest in this life. True purpose is found only in God. If you do not know yet what your purpose in life is, why not spend time in prayer and let the LORD guide you. Psalms 57:2 says; “I will cry out to God Most High. To God who performs all things for me.”

The other thing you must do is spend time reading and studying His word. God primarily speaks to us through His word. When we study the scriptures, we get to understand God’s heart. When we understand His will for us, we can then align our passions and gifting’s to His will as He directs and guides to the right path of life.

~ Esther. Amoding


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prayer@abundantlifefaithcentre. org.