From the beginning, we are introduced to relationships by the very nature of the God in whom we believe. He is Three in One – God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit. We see that from the first words of Genesis 1:26 “And God said, LET US….”. Relationships are not limited to being together; they are about working together.
When God says in Genesis 2:18, “…. It is not good for man to be alone”, He makes a vital statement concerning man’s need to have meaningful relationships. It is clear that right from creation, man was not meant to live in a vacuum void of relationships but rather, man was created to enjoy the benefit of healthy relationships and partnerships to accomplish the purposes of God on earth.
When Jesus called His disciples in Mark 3:14, He was saying to them that before you dive into other relationships, your relationship with Me is of uttermost importance. Many relationships are glued together by things people have in common: goals, agendas and many other such things. However, all these are bound to be unfulfilling and misguided if there is no relationship with God first.
After we become born again, we do not live by ourselves; we are adopted into the family of God. (1 John 3:1). This means that we no longer have to do life by ourselves! We have brothers and sisters around us to help, support, pray with, celebrate, encourage, and walk through life with us. Determine this year not to live in isolation, but rather have one or two people that you walk closely with in a God-centered relationship – one that is open to accountability to each other. This will help you grow together in knowing God and His plans for your life.
Relationships help us accomplish our God given mandate. God places us in a local church so that we may serve one another with the gifts He has given us (Romans 12). It is as we come together that our relationship with God grows deeper and more intimate. Our relationships with others also become healthier and vibrant as we serve each other with the different gifts we carry. This sets the center stage for us to share Christ with many as they also fall in love with Him.
Minister Joseph Kiggundu