Celebrating 34 Years of Ministry

The church family of Abundant Life Faith Centre (ALFC), like king David, is yet again witnessing the manifestation of God’s faithfulness declared in these words of scripture: “You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance” (Psalm 65:11, NLT).

This is undoubtedly our story; a story that has turned into a song and a dance of victory for individuals and households alike in our midst.

In November, 2022, we stepped into our 34th Year of Ministry with divine direction under the theme: “A Covenant Culture for Memorial Encounters” based on Psalm 92:15: “[They are living memorials] to declare that the Lord is upright and faithful [to His promises]; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.”

Under this theme, we witnessed our individual and corporate sense of Covenant Identity soar from one level to the next over the course of 2023 – our Year of Forward Flow.

Believer after believer, household after household in our congregation have told of their encounters with the ways and works of God as the days and months of 2023 unfolded. If you are new to ALFC, we welcome you to read these accounts of encounter from past editions of our monthly magazine – the Hope Herald.

As we climax our 34 years of mission-minded ministry, we are pleased to announce that our church family is set to gather for a grand celebration of God’s faithfulness in our lives and ministry during our 34th year of ministry – and we have friends and family like you in the picture. It will be a time of Spirit-led worship, faith-building teaching and hope-igniting testimonies.

Make plans to join us for the 34th ALFC Anniversary due to take place at our home grounds in Bunamwaya, Seguku Hill, on 5th November, 2023 from 10:00am to 5:00pm. 

We look forward to your fellowship and friendship.

Study Notes for 34th ALFC Anniversary Message: Faith, Family and Friendships


Nov 05 2023


10:00 am - 5:00 pm