Women are designed to beautify, help and nurture. We are unique as women and have been uniquely designed by God to fulfill a purpose that only we can fulfill. God has given women beauty and a desire to beautify.
We are given to complement men. We must see ourselves fulfill this purpose wherever we are positioned. “This one is bone from my bone and flesh from my flesh. She will be called Woman because she was taken from man” (Genesis 2:23). We are taught by God to seek the inner beauty of the heart.
Women are also uniquely designed as helpmates and nurturers. “It is not good that man should be alone, I will make him a helper comparable to him” Genesis 2:18 We have a natural gifting toward helping others. We instinctively see needs of others and desire to help.
We are designed to bear children. With this unique design, we are given the ability to nurture and care for others. Women are first to notice the emotional and physical needs of others and desire to care for that need.
Women, like men are called to faith and to the great purpose of God. Some of the Bible Women like Deborah in Judges 4:4, Rahab in Joshua 6:25, Esther and Mary the mother of Jesus walked a faith path, with courage and were greatly used by God as Women of Faith.
Women, too are made to be God’s brides. We are taught what godly character looks like and how to be a wife in Proverbs 31. Our marriages to be a reflection of the ultimate marriage of faith.
Women are called for God’s great purpose. We need to seek God’s greater purpose for us and let his word and His glory through Christ transform our lives. Let us not only pour out God’s love to others but be doers of God’s word in all good works.
As women, we need to live and walk in the unique design that our Creator designed us for: To display inner beauty, become helpmates, nurturers, women of great faith, bearers, ready to walk into the great purpose of God and to be doers of the word as brides of God
Diana Seruga Agaba