Hope Ministry

Planting Seeds of Hope

"We work as a helping hand for lasting change in the lives of our members and the surrounding communities; giving birth to hope for a better tomorrow" .

Being a member of the ALFC family is more than being one in group. At ALFC, we are big on solidarity!

We understand what it means when the Bible says,

if one part suffers, all parts suffer with it, and if one part is honoured, all the parts are glad” (1 Corinthians 12:26, TLB).

This understanding is what the ALFC Hope Ministry all about; and we pursue it under the leadership and guidance of the Spirit of God.The Hope Ministry is a department of ALFC focused on sharing the love of Christ by meeting the material needs of our members and the less fortunate in our neighbouring communities. We provide a helping hand to people that will make a lasting change in their life and birth Hope for a better day.As part of our ministry activities, we prayerfully:
  • Mobilise and process material items such as clothing, toiletries and non-perishable food items and distribute items to those in need
  • Work with teens and church members on developing opportunities for them to volunteer.
  • Visit and minister to the sick hospitals, prisoners, and residents of homeshelters
  • Organize skills impartations lessons.