Dear Prayer Practitioner,
This 14th week of the Year of Performance, we are coming into prayer agreement:
1) For the saints to be irresistible witnesses of the glory of God (Isaiah 60:1-3)
2) For the saints to gain vision for their large place in life (Psalm 118:5)
3) For the saints to be able and available workers for God’s use in the salvation of our communities and cities (Matthew 9:37)
Personal Reminder:
This month’s ALFC Mission Week is on from 1st to 6th April. Be a doer of the Word
Personal Declaration:
a) Men of Purpose (MoP) are distinguished and family friendly
b) Women of Faith (WoF) are rested and resourceful
c) Youth of Promise (YoP) are sober and settled
d) Children of Destiny (CoDe) are faith followers
e) Together, we are restoring communities and repairing cities – soul by soul, home by home.