

Psalms 135:3 “Praise the LORD, for the LORD is good; sing praises to His name, for it is pleasant.”

What happens if you’ve had a terrible week: an argument with the boss; the flat iron burnt your favorite outfit; your landlord is evicting you out of the house; your electricity units (yaka) just ran out; you’ve run out of food in the house and you don’t have any money; you’re tired, you’re miserable and you’re angry. You feel you’re in no fit state to worship!!!

What do you do about it? You have two choices. You can either respond by choosing to sit there and refusing to do anything thinking you are ‘teaching’ God a lesson. Or, you can resist the bad attitudes, the tendency to complain and yield to the Spirit and decide to worship the Lord regardless of how you feel. Yes, you can choose to lift your hands up to bless God and begin to rejoice with your body.

At first, the body might take a bit of pushing. But as you press on in faith, your spirit begins to prevail over your body. You open up on the inside. Remember if you make the effort to praise and worship; you are sowing to the spirit. And eventually you will reap life (Galatians 6:8)

Worship is more than just singing a song. It is more about the state of your heart towards God. You can worship God in various ways. You can worship God through music, dance, art, prayer, study of His word, serving others and living an honorable life before and unto Him. To live a life of worship is to live a life of total submission to God; a life where you prioritize Him in everything you do.

In John 4:23, the Scriptures tell us that “…the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him”. God isn’t looking for great singers or great musicians – He’s looking for worshipers. It’s not enough to raise your hands and close your eyes in worship when all you are thinking about are your outstanding bills. How can we connect with God if we don’t put our whole hearts into it? The truth will separate us from the problems that come our way when we keep connected with God in worship.

Maddona Serunkuma


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