
New Start

There is something delightful about a new start. However, it can also be unsettling if you do not know what lies ahead. Thank God for the precious promises in His Word! They shine light into our future, dispelling the darkness and lies that fuel fear.
The Bible contains these promises throughout the Old and the New Testament. All you have to do is find the place where “it is written”, then believe to see a
manifestation of the same in your Life.
You see, our God is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23: 19) neither is He a respecter of persons to discriminate. Any man who will believe and fulfill the
conditions of His promises will have what they say. This is why we have the confidence to boldly step into the New Year, be assured of victory, and help when needed. For the promises of God insure us from the world’s system and its chaos.
With this knowledge, you have the liberty to dream big! No matter what didn’t work out last year. Write out your vision, adjust your mind, and stretch yourself (enlarge your tent). Prepare to begin again! Re-strategize and map out your desired outcome.
Then with an undeterred mind believe to see it happen. (James 1: 6, Mk 11: 24)


We would love to pray with you.
Let us stand together and call to order the events in your life through Prayer.

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prayer@abundantlifefaithcentre. org.