Join us for in-person church services on Sundays, 10:00am and Wednesdays 6:30pm
at our home grounds on Seguku Hill, Bunamwaya, Wakiso, where Faith Avenue ends
Corporate prayer in the spirit of faith makes tremendous power available in exponential
measure. Access a copy of our weekly Prayer Agenda
– The Prayer Practitioner
ALFC believes in a union of man and woman. To this end interested individuals are required to register their intentions of being joined in holy matrimony. They are then taken through Marriage counselling session which last about 3months.
At ALFC we believe that children are a heritage from the Lord. We believe in dedicating them unto Him.
We also believe in the doctrine of water baptism and freely baptize those with the same conviction as long as they are of age and can make decision on their own.
Membership Class
Membership class is geared towards grounding believers and, allowing them become intentional about their relationship with ALFC
New Converts Class
This class comprises of new believers, those that have just given their lives to Christ. It teaches the first principles of Christianity.
Couples Class
Couples Class is comprised of the legally wedded couples.
Discipleship Class
This is a two- year class that provides a platform for believers to exercise the truth they have learnt and share it with the world. The members carry out evangelism around the community each week and write articles every month.