I longed so much for my children to go to an international school with Christian values and background; and to that end I prayed. I talked to my husband about it many times without much success because he was considering the cost of such a move. As a family, we desired for an international school along Entebbe road. We didn’t even know that there was one until it was the right time. I celebrate the King of Glory, the Lord my Provider who has granted my desire. All my four children are set to join a Christian international school along Entebbe Road. Every one of my children prayed for this opportunity and God has answered their prayer.
I am also currently pursuing three courses, and I am not paying for any! One of the courses costs about UShs.9 million per semester and God has granted it to me for free! I know that when you get involved in the things of God, He too gets involved in your affairs. Serving the Lord can be so rewarding. I recall us praying, as the Melodies of Praise, for breakthroughs and manifestation in our lives. Indeed, we have seen God move tremendously!
Lydia O.