I thank God for his faithfulness and goodness. I’ve seen God open doors for me in very amazing ways!! The company that I run today was deposited in my hands just like that!! All that the company had, was released to me without pay. While I was still marveling at how God did this in my life, He opened another door of opportunity. A friend of mine had been running a company for two years but was unable to continue doing so because of the work overload. He had other people running this company but they too pulled out. We discussed about how to proceed with his company as a way of helping him out. One evening, this friend of mine called me over for a meeting. With him were company registration papers which he asked me to sign to become a shareholder in his company – the same company we’d been discussing about! To my amazement, he granted me 25 per cent shares at no cost. I simply signed for the shares. The confidence he has in me is extraordinary! The Bible says, “come and buy without money”; and that is what happened to me.
Wycliffe M.